Friday, 11 November 2011

Survey Findings

These are my findings that I have found from conducting my survey.

Thirty people were surveyed. The ages of which were between 14-24, with the majority between 16 and 18. This therefore gives me a target audience of mainly teenagers, as only two of the thirty surveyed were in their twenties.

The results for gender showed that around 65% of people who took the survey were female, with just 35% being male. Additionally, the ethnicity results showed a majority of White Biritsh, which was around 60%, with the other 40% being made up of various ethnicities, White European, Asian, Mixed and African.

A majority of people (66.7%) use the internet mainly for socialising, on sites such as Facebook, Myspace etc. The second most popular reason for mainly using the internet was listening to music (16.7%), followed by Research/Homework (13.3%). With just 1 out of 30 (3.3%) using the internet mainly to watch videos. This suggests that advertising on sites such as Facebook and other social networking sites would be the best place to raise awareness for my campaign.

I also found that most people use the internet for between 10-14hours a week, a large proportion also used it for 15+hours a week. Out of the 30 surveyed, 17 have previously visited a charity/campaign website, and 13 hadn't. Additionally only 14 of the 17 answered the question "What campaign/charity site in particular has stood out to you?" Most answered Cancer Research or NSPCC.

More people were unsure or disagreed with the statement that they regularly give to charity, than agreed with it. Suggesting that not everyone is likely to donate to charity, or the people were unsure because it depends on the sentiment of the charity to them.

Around 63% of people were more likely to support a charity if it was face to face, as opposed to online. When asked to rate the likeliness of the person visiting a sexual health awareness campaign, with 1 being the likeliest and 5 being the unlikeliest, the average rating was 3, however the majority voted for 2. Of those surveyed 70% of people would confide in a friend if they had a problem regarding sexual health, 17% would confide in a doctor, 13% a parent, and none with a teacher.

Shockingly, 60% answered "haven't really looked" when asked if they feel their is enough information available online about staying healthy sexually. Out of the rest, 30% felt that there is enough information, and just 10% felt that there isn't enough.

Graphs Displaying some Results:

What do you mostly use the internet for?

How many hours per week do you spend online?

Would you be more likely to support a campaign if it was...

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